Sunday, July 4, 2010

Personal Progress 07/04/10

My first personal progress report in 6 months. It was a long time coming. Like I mentioned in my previous post, my weight has been weighing(*chuckle*)on my mind a lot lately. As such, I worked out today. I spent 30 minutes speed walking on the treadmill. Not anything major, but I burned about 325 calories. I have a long ways to go. But a journey starts with a single step. I did feel good after the workout. I'm hoping that I can build up some momentum and keep it up.

I take that back, I don't hope. Let's face it, weight loss isn't built on hope. It is built upon how much effort we are willing to put into it. Whether or not I do this, it is all on me. Wishful thinking and hoping won't get me there. I have to dig deep and find the willpower within myself. It is easier said than done. But at what point does one get sick of looking at their fat body? When people are turned off by your weight, how much more incentive does one need? I get it. It's like a cycle. The more depressed you get about your weight, the more you withdraw into yourself and eat more. There comes a point when the cycle has to be broken.

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